Advice & Inspiration

Our rose care advice and inspiration will help you get the best out of your roses. Be inspired by our RHS rose garden exhibits, follow our step-by-step guides to planting a rose or watch our video tutorial of how to deadhead your rose.

How to Deadhead a Rose

What is deadheading Deadheading is the removal of finished blooms in order to encourage further blooms...

How to Plant a Bare Root Rose in a Pot

Watch our video on How to plant a bare root rose in a pot or container...

How to Plant a Bare Root Shrub Rose

By following these simple steps, you will ensure your bare root shrub rose gets off to...

How to encourage a happy garden and healthy roses

Pollinators such as bees, butterflies and other garden insects are integral to a happy garden and...

Rose Care over the Winter

English Roses are tolerant and healthy by nature, and will cope with wintry weather without fuss....

How Far Apart Should Shrub Roses be Planted?

    For a successful garden, getting planting distances right is important. Plant shrub roses too...

How to Plant a Potted Standard Tree Rose

In this video our Head Gardener, Steve, will show you how to plant a potted standard...

How to Plant a Bare Root Standard Tree Rose

Bare root standard tree roses are best planted between November and April, during bare root season....

How To Train and Tie-in Climbing and Rambling Roses

Training a climbing or rambling rose allows you to direct the growth of your roses for...

How to Feed a Rose

Feeding your roses twice a year will encourage strong, healthy growth and abundant flowering. It’s a...

How to Plant a Potted Shrub Rose

By following these simple steps, you will ensure your potted shrub rose gets off to the...

How to Plant a Rose in a Pot

Roses are excellent plants for growing in pots. English Roses, with their shrubby, bushy habit are...

Pruning an English Shrub Rose

The instructions in this article cover the pruning of English Shrub Roses, as well as other...

Pruning English Climbers

Follow our top tips for pruning, training and tying-in English Climbing Roses to help you get...

The Basics of Growing Roses

Help your roses to thrive Simple rose care advice and information to help you grow roses,...